Class Blogger, By Molly Teakell


This week for math we are working on dividing fractions, and flipping the reciprocal. I think people are having a little bit of trouble with flipping the reciprocal. I think this because when it’s math time and we are working on our white boards for dividing fractions, I look around and I see that some of us get the problem wrong. But we are working on it. If people don’t get it they raise there hand and Mrs. Marchel will come over and help them.

For reading Mrs. Marchel is reading a book called “Towers Falling”.  Mrs. Marchel is reading the book to teach us about the 9/11. Lots of kids in our class don’t known or don’t understand why the 9/11 is so important. I have read the book before and loved it! I think the book was very good and is important for us kids, to understand what the 9/11 is.

The behaviors in this class are complicated. Some of us are very good and do not talk with others. Rather than others who are off task and talk with others. We have this system where we have paper cards and they have our names on them and if people are off task Mrs. Marchel can take the cards away from us. We also have a behavior chart. Where we can see where we are on the chart if we are good or in the orange and the red.

So that’s it for this week!
